Origin of the Egyptian Mau cat
The Egyptian Mau is a breed of domestic cat that, as its name suggests, originates from Egypt. In fact, the Egyptian Mau cat resembles the cats depicted on murals in Ancient Egypt, as it was worshipped by kings and pharaohs. Considering that its ancestors date back more than 4,000 years, we could be talking about one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. Due to its exotic appearance and personality traits, most people are drawn to it.
Types of Egyptian Mau
Although no two cats are alike, there are usually no distinctions between cats of this breed. However, we can differentiate Egyptian Maus according to their colors:
There are four coat variations: The Egyptian Mau, orange with brown markings and a tan undertone; Silver with dark blue markings on a light silver undertone; Smoke-colored mottled with black markings; and Pewter.
Hair type
The Egyptian Mau cat has short hair and is generally soft and silky . If we take proper care of its fur, we will ensure that it maintains its characteristic softness and will obtain a shiny coat if we brush it two or three times a week.
The Egyptian Mau Cat Puppy
One of the curiosities about the Egyptian Mau cat breed is that its gestation period is a little longer than that of other domestic cats. The gestation period can last up to 73 days, when the average is between 63 and 68 days . The puppies of this breed are even more playful than in their adult stage and they love being with their owners while interacting with them. As you may already know, Egyptian Mau babies should be weaned after three months and gradually introduced to what will be their regular food.
Character and behavior of the Egyptian Mau
As is usual with cats, they are independent. However, cats of this breed, if they adapt to living together and gain confidence, tend to be very affectionate and will even demand that we pay attention to them or play with them.
The Egyptian Mau is very active, sociable and not very tolerant of being alone . However, it has a hard time relating to strangers, so it will most likely avoid or ignore them. In addition, although it is a calm cat, it is a good hunter, so you have to be careful if rodents or birds also live in your home.
How to feed an Egyptian Mau based on its age?
Because your cat loves to be physically active, its diet should be varied and the food it eats should be rich in nutrients. However, depending on the stage of life your cat is in, it will need to be fed in one way or another. Below you will see some recommendations to help you get the right diet for this breed of cat.
Feeding in stages
Baby Egyptian Mau cats should be weaned at three months and gradually introduced to their regular food. During this transition you can give them soft food or wet food for kittens, but without going overboard.
Later, when they reach adulthood , it is necessary that their feed contains many nutrients, since it is a cat with an active and athletic temperament.
When your cat reaches its senior stage, you have to change its food to one intended for older cats and monitor whether it develops any pathology, because as our cat gets older it is more prone to suffer from diseases.
Egyptian Mau Cat Health
As we have mentioned above, the Egyptian Mau cat breed does not require excessive care. However, you should pay attention to its teeth, since cats of this breed are prone to oral and gum diseases, so it is recommended not to overfeed them with wet food.
On the other hand, there is a neurological disease that can affect this breed of cat: leucodystrophy (also known as Krabbe disease) , which can cause behavioral disorders, among other symptoms.
Being active cats, they will need exercise , although don’t worry, they will almost always do it alone and they do very well on their own.
Caring for an Egyptian Mau Cat
The care of an Egyptian Mau is simple and without many complications. Here are some of them to take into account:
Paying attention to your cat’s coat and brushing it two or three times a week to keep it soft should be enough to keep it healthy. Plus, brushing your cat will prevent dead hair from building up and therefore make it less likely to suffer digestive problems due to hairballs .
The skin is closely related to its coat. As we have said, brushing it two or three times a week should be enough. Since it is a short-haired feline, the advice is to use a rounded bristle brush.
Eyes and ears
A regular eye check is required , as they are prone to having eye discharge. As for the ears, although they do not usually have hearing diseases, we recommend a veterinary check-up if necessary and cleaning their ears with a towel moistened with water and a little of their shampoo.
Adopting an Egyptian Mau
Adopting an Egyptian Mau is extremely rare, as this breed is not usually found, but you can always go to shelters and ask for a similar or mixed breed and ask for advice on where to start looking for your new life partner.