How to Heal a Dog Wound?

by Eldridge Lisa
dogs wound

If you have a pet, you have probably found yourself needing to treat a wound. But do you know how to do it correctly? In this post, we will tell you how to treat your dog’s superficial wounds.

Superficial wounds are very common in dogs and can be quite worrying. Here we share some basic first-aid tips so you know what to do when your furry friend gets hurt. Remember, it is always best to consult a veterinarian if the wound seems serious or does not improve over time.

Types of dog wound

Dogs can get hurt in many ways, whether while out walking or playing at home. The injuries can be more or less serious. Here we explain the most common types of injuries in dogs and how to recognize them:

  • Open wounds: These are wounds in which the skin is broken and blood flows out in greater or lesser quantities (they may be cuts, scratches, etc.).
  • Closed wounds: In these, the skin is not broken and blood accumulates underneath. The area usually becomes inflamed, red, and changes color (from reddish to purple, then yellowish-green).
  • Stitched wounds: These are wounds that have been sutured after surgery, where a cut has been made and closed with stitches to facilitate healing.
  • Fractures: These are breaks or cracks in bones, which may be visible (open) or not (closed).
  • Burns: These are injuries caused by fire, friction, hot surfaces or corrosive chemicals. Their severity depends on the depth and cause of the burn.

My dog ​​has a wound, what do I do?

Before you get down to work, you should assess the wound: is it superficial or deep? Does it look serious? Is it bleeding?

When your dog gets a wound, if it is serious, the first thing to do is to stay calm so that you can act quickly. If it is bleeding a lot, you should plug it and apply pressure until the bleeding stops. Once the bleeding is under control, put on a temporary bandage and go to your vet immediately . Remember that wounds can be more serious than they seem and sometimes take longer to heal if they are not treated correctly.

However, the most common wounds our furry friends suffer are usually small cuts and scrapes. So, if it is a superficial wound, a scrape or a minor burn, you can heal it by following these steps .

Steps to follow to heal a dog’s wound

  • Use a muzzle: Your dog may be in pain in the area and, even if he has a good temperament, he may try to bite you while you are treating him. To prevent biting, put a muzzle on him. Use it only if necessary.
  • Trim the hair: If your dog has long hair, carefully trim the hair around the wound so you can clean it thoroughly.
  • Clean the wound: Clean the wound with a little saline solution or chlorhexidine for skin use. If you don’t have any at home, you can use water with a little diluted soap. Always use sterile gauze, never cotton, because it leaves fiber residue in the wound.

he most important thing during cleaning is to remove all dirt so that the wound does not become infected. The wound should always be cleaned from the inside out , this way you will avoid dirt returning to the wound again.

  • Remove debris: Remove any foreign material, such as dried mud, plant debris, or pieces of glass. Check the wound thoroughly to make sure there is no debris left that could eventually cause infection.
  • Disinfect: To finish cleaning it is advisable to disinfect it , especially if it was very dirty at the beginning.
  • Let it air dry: For good healing, it is always best to let the wound air dry. If you cover it, it may take longer to heal. To promote healing, you can apply a little aloe vera or specific healing products.

How do I heal wounds between my dog’s toes?

The first thing you should do to treat your dog’s wound is to assess the severity of the injury. If it is a superficial wound, you can treat it yourself, but if this is difficult or you think it is deep and/or bleeding profusely, take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.

The first step is to disinfect the wound. To do this, you need chlorhexidine for skin use, Betadine-type iodine, or saline solution . If the bleeding does not stop, you can use gauze to apply pressure to the wound, always carefully, and cover it if necessary.

The dog should be kept as still as possible so that you can locate the wound and clean it better. Check the wound for several days to see if it is healing properly and, if you notice any signs of infection or that it is not closing normally, go to the vet so they can check it.

How to heal a wound on a dog’s ear?

Dogs’ ears are very delicate due to the large number of blood vessels they have. The way to treat the wound depends on whether it is on the outer or inner part of the ear.

If the wound is on the outside, you can follow the same steps as if you had a wound between the toes of a paw, that is, clean with serum and disinfect with hydrogen peroxide or Betadine-type iodine, gently pressing on the ear with gauze.

How to heal a wound in a dog’s eye?

If your dog has a wound around the eye, it’s important to proceed with care. First, gently clean the area around the eye with a gauze soaked in saline solution. Avoid using harsh products or anything that could irritate the eye. Keep the wound clean and check for signs of infection such as redness, swelling or discharge.

If you notice anything out of the ordinary or if your dog seems to be in pain, take him to the vet immediately. Eyes are very delicate and require professional attention if there are any complications.

Treating a wound on a dog’s snout

To treat a wound on your dog’s muzzle , first clean the area carefully using saline solution or warm water and mild soap. Then, apply an antiseptic to disinfect the wound. If the wound does not improve in a few days or worsens, it is best to consult a veterinarian for appropriate treatment.

How to heal a wound on a dog’s paw pad?

Wounds on a dog’s paws can be difficult to heal because they are very sensitive areas and are always in contact with the ground. If it is a superficial wound:

  • Before disinfecting, clean the area with warm water and soap or a little serum to remove any dirt.
  • Use a gauze soaked in antiseptic and gently pat the wound. This will help prevent infection. You can also use healing ointments.
  • Although it is best to leave the wound exposed to the air, in the case of the pads, constant contact with the ground when going outside can be harmful. Cover the wound with a clean bandage to protect it.

How to heal a tick wound in dogs?

To heal a tick wound in dogs, you must first check that the parasite has been eliminated, since it is quite common that, when removing the tick, we leave part of the “mouth” of the tick (hypostoma) inside the skin, which can cause a serious reaction in the animal. We recommend that you follow these tips to remove ticks in dogs correctly.

Once the parasite has been eliminated, we should disinfect the area as normal.  Observe the wound area for a few days. If you notice signs of infection, such as redness, swelling or pus, or if your dog shows other symptoms of illness, it is important to take him to the vet immediately.

Ticks can transmit several infectious diseases, so to prevent future infestations, apply an appropriate antiparasitic treatment for dogs .

Can I treat my dog’s wound with Betadine?

You can disinfect your dog’s wound with betadine, as long as it is diluted with water and it is not a very open wound, as it delays healing and limits wound closure. If the wound is superficial, it is a good antiseptic.

My dog ​​has a raw wound, what do I do?

If your dog has a raw wound, it is best to take him to the vet as soon as possible. This type of wound requires more professional monitoring and attention to ensure proper healing. The vet will clean the wound, apply the appropriate treatment and give you recommendations for caring for your dog throughout the healing process.

It is essential to prevent your dog from touching the wound, and if necessary, use an Elizabethan collar to prevent it from licking or scratching.

Remember, raw wounds are serious and require professional attention to avoid complications and ensure your best friend’s speedy recovery.

How to heal an infected wound in a dog?

You’ll know your dog’s wound is infected when you see pus under the skin. It’s important to treat the wound by washing it with some antiseptic and applying an ointment on it until it heals. 

If a scab has formed, do not remove it. Instead, wash the area around the wound and dry it gently. Be sure to consult your vet to ensure the correct medication is given, and prevent your dog from licking or touching the wound.

How to stop your dog from scratching a wound?

It is important to prevent your dog from scratching the wound, as this could worsen the healing process. Therefore, you can apply some Aloe Vera or healing products and, if necessary, cover it with gauze or use an Elizabethan collar .

My dog ​​has a wound on his paw and he is licking it

To prevent your dog from licking a wound on his paw, the most effective way to prevent him from licking is with an Elizabethan collar. This collar prevents the dog from reaching the wound with his tongue. You can also cover the wound with a clean bandage to protect it from dirt and reduce the temptation to lick it.

Make sure the bandage is secure but not too tight , and check the wound regularly to make sure it is healing properly.

What should we have in our dog’s first aid kit?

Having a first aid kit for your dog is essential to be able to act quickly in case of accidents or emergencies. Here is a list of basic items that cannot be missing:

  1. Disposable gloves : To maintain hygiene while treating your dog.
  2. Scissors and tweezers : Useful for cutting bandages and removing foreign bodies.
  3. Sterile gauze and bandages : To cover and protect wounds.
  4. Adhesive tape and adhesive bandages : To secure bandages in place.
  5. Antiseptics : Such as diluted Betadine and hydrogen peroxide to disinfect wounds.
  6. Physiological serum : Ideal for cleaning wounds and eyes.
  7. Healing ointment : To help heal wounds.
  8. Alcohol : For disinfecting tools, not for use directly on your dog’s wounds.
  9. Thermometer : To monitor your furry friend’s temperature.
  10. Elizabethan collar : To prevent your dog from licking or scratching wounds.
  11. Mild soap : To clean wounds and paws.

Having these items on hand will allow you to act efficiently and safely in the event of any incident. Remember, it is always better to be prepared and, if you have any doubts or serious situations, consult your veterinarian to ensure the well-being of your furry companion.

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