Animals and Fireworks: tips for dealing with fear of noise

by Eldridge Lisa
Animals and Fireworks

Fireworks are a visual spectacle that many of us love, but have you ever thought about how this affects our animal companions? Firecrackers, fireworks and any form of pyrotechnics can have a significant impact on the well-being of our animals, especially dogs and cats.

In this post, we’ll tell you why these events are so stressful for them and share tips to help manage fear of noise during these situations.

In addition, we recommend that you also read the following articles on the causes, symptoms and how to treat stress in dogs and stress in cats .

Why are dogs afraid of firecrackers?

Dogs, like cats, have a much more developed sense of hearing than humans. This means that they are able to hear sounds that we cannot and at volumes that would be unimaginably low for us.

The sudden loud noises from firecrackers can be overwhelming to them, triggering a fear or panic response.

This reaction is mainly because they cannot understand the nature of these sounds. While humans can anticipate and understand the context of fireworks, for animals these intense and unfamiliar sounds can be perceived as threats , triggering their survival instinct.

In addition, vibration and noise can cause real terror in them, manifesting in behaviors such as trembling, barking, escape attempts, or even paralysis due to fear.

How to deal with our animals’ anxiety when faced with loud noises

Dogs and cats’ reactions to loud noises, such as those produced by firecrackers or fireworks, can vary significantly. Some may seek out a place to hide , while others may try to run away from the noise they find frightening.

Our role is very important in helping them manage their fear and ensuring their well-being both indoors and outdoors.

Inside the house

Animals often instinctively choose a safe place to retreat to during these stressful episodes. It is common for them to seek out the quietest, most protected space in the house, such as a bathroom or a remote corner, where noises are muffled.

It is essential to respect their choice and not force them to leave their comfort zone. If we try to take them out, they will feel threatened, as we are depriving them of their only protection, their fear will turn into panic and the situation will worsen. Stay calm and you will see how your companion emerges from their hiding place when they feel safe again.

On the street

For animals that are easily startled by loud noises, it is important to take extra precautions outdoors.

In these cases, make sure that the harness is properly fastened and secure the leash to prevent the dog from running away and escaping in a moment of panic. Restraint is essential and you must make sure that you have suitable walking accessories such as collars and harnesses with which the dog is safe at all times.

The dog that runs away is the one in the greatest danger, since the state of panic causes it to not hear anything, not see anything and is at greater risk of being run over or of getting lost and not knowing how to get home.

ips for managing your fear of firecrackers and fireworks

With the arrival of the festive season, it is common for fireworks and firecrackers to become the stars of these events. Dogs and cats, with their acute hearing sensitivity, can be particularly overwhelmed by the unexpected bang and roar of pyrotechnics.

When we know that these celebrations are approaching, we can prepare a plan in advance to minimize the impact on our animals. Therefore, we share with you these tips to help our faithful companions manage their fear and reduce the anxiety that these events generate in them.

Create a safe space

Designate an area in your home where your pet feels safe and can seek refuge from noise . This space should be an area where outside sounds are minimized, ideally without windows or with the ability to black out the windows and soundproof them. Make sure this spot has its favorite items, such as blankets , toys , and water.

Keep him busy

Another tip to help your dog or cat cope with the stress of loud noises is to keep them busy and mentally stimulated. Interactive toys , such as sniffing mats, are great for this purpose. These mats encourage your pet to use their sense of smell to search for treats by providing a distraction and reducing their focus on external noises.

Music or ambient sounds

Soft music or ambient sounds can help mask the noises of firecrackers and fireworks. Choose calming melodies or nature sounds that are loud enough to cover outside noises, but not so loud that they cause more stress.

Use of pheromones or tranquilizers

To help your dog get through these holidays in a more relaxed way and reduce his anxiety caused by noise, firecrackers or fireworks, there are canine relaxing products that increase his calm and tranquility and reduce fear and stress. These are pheromone diffusers, tablets or collars , which transmit a message of security similar to that which a mother transmits to her puppies naturally.

Keep your routine

Try to maintain their routine as much as possible. Animals are reassured by routine, as it provides them with a sense of normality and predictability.

Avoid leaving him alone

If you know there will be fireworks or firecrackers, try not to leave your child alone. Being with them can provide great comfort and help reduce their anxiety.

Consult a veterinarian

In extreme cases, the use of tranquilizers or anti-anxiety medications prescribed by a veterinarian may be necessary . It is important that any medication be administered under the supervision of a professional, who will determine the proper dosage and type of medication most appropriate for your best friend.

It’s time to take precautions, but once the holidays are over, it’s advisable to get down to work to help our furry friend overcome his own fears and face them in a calmer way. With a few precautions , everyone, animals and humans, will enjoy the holidays much more.

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