Train your Dog not to Bark without Reason

by Eldridge Lisa
Bark without Reason

A dog ‘s bark is a highly valued sound when it warns about the arrival of strangers to the house or about any other alarming situation. Most owners like to have dogs that bark, they think that they are guardians of the property , and thus they feel more secure.

However, barking is no longer welcomed when it is excessive or has no apparent cause. Not to mention the nuisance to neighbours, especially if they do not have dogs. Let’s look at this topic in depth.

Why do dogs bark?

Barking is a natural behavior, although there are some dogs that bark more than others. It is usually the response to a stimulus , such as someone entering the house or the noise of a motorcycle. It is also a form of communication between peers ; more than once you will have heard how one dog starts and then the others join in until they form a true chorus of barks and howls. In short, sometimes the barking has a reason that we humans understand, and other times not.

Dogs that bark excessively may be angry, lonely, bored, playful, stressed, scared, tied up or confined, or simply because they have not been properly trained.

To correct this, it may be enough to modify the situation that causes the barking and thus alleviate the discomfort, or it may require training to modify the unwanted behavior.

It is often thought that dogs bark because they are aggressive when the real reason is that the dog is afraid. This applies to dogs that bark out of fear as well as those that bark for any other reason.

The Animal Protection Act prohibits the use of any handling tool that may cause injury to the animal, in particular electric collars, shock collars, punishment collars or choke collars. Regulations will establish the professional activities in which, due to the purpose for which they are intended or the morphology of the animal, these types of tools may be used.

How to stop a dog from barking excessively?

There is no key or specific way to stop a dog from barking; the most important thing is to know the reason . Once you know why dogs bark, you can find a way to correct that behavior. Also, you should keep in mind that barking is a normal behavior for them and that you should only worry and correct it when it becomes worrying, annoying or excessive.

Reduces dog stress

To stop barking , the first thing you should do is reduce stress . Try to create a calm and relaxed environment both at home and on the street. Do not disturb or excite your dog with quick movements or loud voices; gentle caresses and treats are always good allies.

Focus your attention on something else

Dogs that bark at some external stimulus, such as the door or visitors, need something that will catch their attention or be very interesting so that everything else fades into the background. Kongs or treat holders are great for this; fill them with their favorite treats and leave them on the floor so that their attention is directed to getting the treats and not to anything else.

Transmit a state of tranquility

When your dog is barking at other dogs on the street, you should not pull or tighten the leash. This will cause more nervousness and stress in your pet and will not help it to stop barking; in many cases, the simple fact of noticing that you are not holding it with the leash makes it stop barking. You should be calm to transmit your calmness to your dog, and not the opposite. Dogs that bark at other dogs can also benefit from a nice reward .

Never force your child to do something he doesn’t want to do. This can cause more fear, stress, and even aggression. He should move forward at his own pace and without pressure.

Hire or ask for help to cover your absence

A different situation arises in the case of dogs that bark when left alone . Here what you must do is train them to overcome fear or anxiety when left alone (read the article on separation anxiety ).

Basically, very short outings are made that are lengthened as the dog progresses. Music or a radio is left on for him. It is also necessary to moderate the caresses and games before leaving, so as not to leave him nervous or frustrated because you are leaving.

If you have to be away for many hours every day, you may want to find someone who can take your dog for a long walk or come and spend some time with him to shorten the wait. You can hire a professional dog walker or a family member or friend who can do it and who you trust.

The best recommendation is to hire the services of a dog trainer or ethologist , and follow their exercises and advice. Their experience will help you find the cause of the problem, and they know a wide variety of resources to re-educate this behavior using positive reinforcement and never physical punishment.

Consult your veterinarian or ethologist

On the other hand, if your dog barks because he is very nervous, hyperexcitable or suffers from separation anxiety, consult your veterinarian to see if he recommends any medication to calm him down a bit, such as clomipramine , which works as an anxiolytic. In these cases of dogs that bark due to nervousness, pheromones (DAP) can also work very well , which are very easy to use and give the dog a feeling of well-being and calm that can help bring him out of the permanent state of alert.

In any case, both clomipramine and pheromones should always be used in combination with behavior modification techniques taught by canine ethologists or veterinarians specialized in behavior.

Finally, as we have said before, 
these accessories are a temporary help . What you should do is find out the reason for their excessive barking. Be honest with yourself, and evaluate if part of the problem is yours and correct it. Finally, ask for help from a professional if necessary and be patient until you get their behavior to improve. If the problem is due to complaints from neighbors, tell them that you are in the process of improvement.

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